and tags being minified
* Better HTML document detection for minification
= 3.0.9 [2021.01.04] =
* Added page caching purging support for Hummingbird and WP-Optimize from FVM
= 3.0.8 [2021.01.02] =
* Improved compatibility and better detection of dynamic CSS and JS files (files generated with PHP instead of being static)
= 3.0.7 [2021.01.02] =
* Fixed incorrect paths on subdirectory sites (inside merged CSS files)
= 3.0.6 [2021.01.01] =
* Adjusted the HELP tab settings
* Improved compatibility with CSS merging on WP Bakery
= 3.0.5 [2021.01.01] =
* Fixed the cache paths on Windows Servers
* Fixed incorrect file paths on subdirectory sites
* Fixed the CDN integration not replacing the domain name
* Fixed CSS font-display replacements
= 3.0.4 [2020.12.31] =
* Improved compatibility on CSS merging with optimole and similar services
* Fixed some PHP notices and other minor issues
= 3.0.3 [2020.12.29] =
* Prevent minification on XML content that do not trigger WordPress conditionals
* Added support for critical path positioning before the CSS files when Async mode is enabled
* Minor bugfixes
= 3.0.2 [2020.12.29] =
* Added option to preserve settings on uninstall
* Added option to inline all CSS (merging is still the recommended method)
* Added option to force HTTPS on the generated cache file urls
* Added an ignore list to the JS section (also imported from FVM 2 settings)
* Improved compatibility with FVM 2 (you still need to specify what JS paths you want to merge)
* Preserve the old FVM 2 settings on the database (will be removed on version 3.2)
= 3.0.1 [2020.12.27] =
* Added initial translation support under the "fast-velocity-minify" text domain.
= 3.0.0 [2020.12.26] =
* New version has been remade from scratch
* JS Optimization is disabled by default and requires manual configuration
* Third party scripts can now be delayed until user interaction, to improve the initial loading time
= 2.8.9 [2020.06.23] =
* new filter for wp hide compatibility
= 2.8.8 [2020.05.01] =
* bug fixes for woocommerce, which could result in 403 errors when adding to cart under certain cases
= 2.8.7 [2020.04.30] =
* fixed the sourceMappingURL removal regex introduced on 2.8.3 for js files and css files
= 2.8.6 [2020.04.30] =
* fixed an error notice on php
= 2.8.5 [2020.04.30] =
* bug fixes and some more minification default exclusions
= 2.8.4 [2020.04.24] =
* added frontend-builder-global-functions.js to the list of minification exclusions, but allowing merging (Divi Compatibility)
= 2.8.3 [2020.04.17] =
* Removed some options out of the autoload wp_option to avoid getting cached on the alloptions when using OPCache
* Removed the CDN purge option for WP Engine (not needed since FVM automatically does cache busting)
* Added support for Kinsta, Pagely, Pressidum, Savvii and Pantheon
* Better sourcemaps regex removal from minified css and js files
= 2.8.2 [2020.04.13] =
* Skip changing clip-path: url(#some-svg); to absolute urls during css minification
* Added a better cronjob duplicate cleanup task, when uninstalling the plugin
= 2.8.1 [2020.03.15] =
* added filter for the fvm_get_url function
= 2.8.0 [2020.03.10] =
* improved compatibility with Thrive Architect editor
* improved compatibility with Divi theme
= 2.7.9 [2020.02.18] =
* changed cache file names hash to longer names to avoid colisions on elementor plugin
= 2.7.8 [2020.02.06] =
* updated PHP Minify with full support for PHP 7.4
* added try, catch wrappers for merged javacript files with console log errors (instead of letting the browser stop execution on error)
* improved compatibility with windows servers
* improved compatibility for font paths with some themes
= 2.7.7 [2019.10.15] =
* added a capability check on the status page ajax request, which could show the cache file path when debug mode is enabled to subscribers
= 2.7.6 [2019.10.10] =
* bug fix release
= 2.7.5 [2019.10.09] =
* added support to "after" scripts added via wp_add_inline_script
= 2.7.4 [2019.08.18] =
* change to open JS/CSS files suspected of having PHP code via HTTP request, instead of reading the file directly from disk
= 2.7.3 [2019.07.29] =
* Beaver Builder compatibility fix
= 2.7.2 [2019.07.29] =
* fixed a PHP notice when WP_DEBUG mode is enabled on wordpress
* small improvements on google fonts merging
= 2.7.1 [2019.07.27] =
* fixed an AMP validation javascript error
= 2.7.0 [2019.07.23] =
* some score fixes when deferring to pagespeed is enabled
= 2.6.9 [2019.07.15] =
* custom cache path permissions fix (thanks to @fariazz)
= 2.6.8 [2019.07.06] =
* header preload fixes (thanks to @vandreev)
= 2.6.7 [2019.07.04] =
* added cache purging support for the swift cache plugin
* changed cache directory to the uploads directory for compatibility reasons
* better cache purging checks
= 2.6.6 [2019.06.20] =
* cache purging bug fixes
* php notice fixes
= 2.6.5 [2019.05.04] =
* fixed cache purging on Hyper Cache plugin
* removed support for WPFC (plugin author implemented a notice stating that FVM is incompatible with WPFC)
* improved the filtering engine for pagespeed insights on desktop
= 2.6.4 [2019.03.31] =
* fixed subdirectories permissions
= 2.6.3 [2019.03.30] =
* fixed another minor PHP notice
= 2.6.2 [2019.03.27] =
* fixed a PHP notice on urls with query strings that include arrays on keys or values
= 2.6.1 [2019.03.26] =
* fixed compatibility with the latest elementor plugin
* fixed adding duplicate cron jobs + existing duplicate cronjobs cleanup
* fixed duplicate "cache/cache" directory path
* changed the minimum PHP requirements to PHP 5.5
= 2.6.0 [2019.03.02] =
* fixed cache purging with the hypercache plugin
* fixed a bug with inline scripts and styles not showing up if there is no url for the enqueued handle
* changed the cache directory from the wp-content/uploads to wp-content/cache
* improved compatibility with page cache plugins and servers (purging FVM without purging the page cache should be fine now)
* added a daily cronjob, to delete public invalid cache files that are older than 3 months (your page cache should expire before this)
= 2.0.0 [2017.05.11] =
* version 2.x branch release
= 1.0 [2016.06.19] =
* Initial Release